Page 34 - Brochure inglese_2022
P. 34
“A cheap flooring, durable and with many aesthetic varieties ”
“A c hea p floor ing, dura ble a nd with many a esthetic var ieties ”
Laminated Floor is composed by one thanks to the tongue and groove. It is ne- The hardness of a Laminate Floor is divi-
layer of wooden fibers, high tempera- cessary to be sure, before the laying, that ded in domestic use with 3 classes (AC1,
ture pressed and fixed by high quality there is no humidity in the room. AC2, AC3) and commercial use with 4
resin, on which is applied a thin prin- It is necessary to leave along the perime- classes (AC3, AC4, AC5, AC6).
ted plastic surface, highly sophistica- ter a space of about 8 mm, to allow the
ted, which reproduce the veining and laminated floating, that is expanding to The more hardness growth, the more the
colours of the wood, with a protecti- the climate changes. prices growth.
ve varnish (melaminic resin), which The price is also influenced
makes it waterproof and resistant to The application of the Laminate Flo- by the thickness. 6-7 mm of
scratches and bumps. or is easy and fast and allow the lay “do thickness is an economic price product,
The laminated flooring is compo- it by yourself”, even if is recommen- 8-9 mm is a medium price product, 10
sed of wood for 90% and other mate- ded to ask to do the work to speciali- mm is a high price product.
rials for the rest, assembled with high zed staff. You can’t neglect the choice
temperature and they are sold in listonies. of the underfloor. To isolate and avoid For a good maintenance, we suggest re-
It is elegant, comfortable, resistant to inconveniences create by the humidity, it moving dust with a hoover or an antista-
wear and abrasion. is necessary to use sound-absorbing or tic rag and wash the floor with a adamp
The most common have thickness from 7 steam barrier mats. but very wrung out soft rag, using water
to 10 mm, but you can find also 12 mm. and a non-foamy neutral cleanser.
Considering that it is a floating floor, also
The click system laying is floating, di- the finishes are important, that is basebo- The life of a Laminat Floor is about 20
rectly on the screeds or the previous flo- ards, profiles, dilation joints, coordinated years. The hardness is always related to
or. The elements are taped to each other with the Laminate Floor chosen. the destination of use.