Page 33 - Brochure inglese_2022
P. 33

45°                   60°                      90°
 The Herringbones parquet
 The  Herr ingbones  par quet  45° - 60° - 90° CUT

          “A  different  kind  of  lay  down  for  Solid  Wood,  Prefinished
          “A      different      kind      of   la y    down      for    Solid      Wood,        Prefinished
          and Floating Parquet”
          a nd   Floa    ting    Pa    rquet”

          Among the different lay down, the most  The  Herringbone  lay  down  can  be  pa-  the weather agents.
          famous  and  the  most  used  are,  wi-  rallel  of  diagonal  respect  to  the  wall
          thout  any  doubt,  French  Herringbone,   and can be valued by matching frames,   The  Herringbone  Parquet  restoring,
          Hungarian Herringbone and Italian Her-  borders, in order to enrich the interiors.  for  residential  use,  can  be  done  every
          ringbone, which give elegance and refine-                              15-40  years,  depending  on  the  kind  of
          ment to the interiors.              The Herringbone cut can be realized on  Parquet and the kind of treatment.
                                              every wooden species and in several di-
          The Herringbone Floorings 45°, known  mensions  on  Solid  Wood,  Prefinished
          as “French Cut”, is characterize by the 45°  and Floating Parquet.
          cut of the heads, which will be laid down
          head against head.                  The  costs  are  variable,  considering
                                              that  the  working  are  different  depen-
          The Herringbone Floorings 60°, known  ding  on  wood  species,  dimensions  and
          as “Hungarian Cut”, is characterized by  finishing.
          the  60°  cut  of  the  heads,  which  will  be
          laid down head  against head.       For  the  ordinary  cleaning    is  recom-
                                              mended  to  use  an  hoover,  or  antistatic
          The Herringbone Floorings 90°, known  clothes  for  dust  to  remove  stains,  with
          as  “Italian  Cut“,  is  characterized  by  the  a  specific  detergent.  For  the  extraordi-
          perpendicular position of the slats. It me-  nary  cleaning  is  recommended  to  use
          ans that they will be perpendicularly laid  a  specific  protective  product,  to  give
          down, head in head, to form a 90°cut.  brightness and to protect the wood from
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